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need to able to create more generator. fun game.

(8 edits)

I know the game is unlikely to receive updates but I have encountered a few bugs:

You can see the fluid under the floor if you build the incubators next to the bottom edge.

The King-bomb-bomb has no texture and only appears as the last creature in the incubator, or if you load up the game, they only appear as purple squares, and after a while, they just disappeared.

Sometimes while I was building, my available incubator slots was randomly reduced to 5. I was able to fix it the first time by upgrading my generator, but by the second time it happened I had already reached max level. Restarting did fix it though.

Occasionally, after I finish a contract, a blank contract will appear with no requirements. I haven’t really tested this one, but the blank contract appears to reward the player as well.

And when you try to build a structure while your cursor is out-of-bounds, it won’t let you build. I wasted an hour trying to get the end button to work, because I thought I didn’t have enough coins.

I am using the Windows build just so you know. I hope this doesn’t seem like nagging or complaining, I just want to alert AIA of these bugs.

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I appreciate this!  It'd be cool to revisit this again at some point.  I have a spin-off idea for this that would be a full game.  Obviously without Nintendo IP.

These reports will be super helpful when I get back to it

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Wow, that’s so cool! I did not expect a response! My mind is blown! Something else that’s funny is I just signed in to Itch for the first time in a few weeks. Oh, and I’m sorry if I sounded a bit critical.

Great game, I would go ahead and add guns to the game for full immersion then also add building and after adding those 2 you might as well add the ability for 100 players to join and since you've done all of that you can change the win condition to last to live wins. With all that being done you can improve the name a bit and call it PixelLabsRoyale and I mean with a name like that you might as well add a victory royale to match the name.

Basically A Parody of The NESTS In My TOME/TTA AU

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the web part wont work

also I am on a Chromebook so I cant install and play

great job Aia! The graphics are amazing! I think the game would be improved by adjusting the money somehow because eventually the orders become unnecessary and you just get heaps of money with no purpose. I thought the last item was a bit funny. I hope your current dream project is going well!


I have 2 incubators, and this man wants 211 goombas within 2:30 o-o

I got a request for 900 goombas with 2 incubators I a minute 


Very fun game! I've been playing it for hours.

Realized the glitch with the capsule maximum size happens if you move your generator. Every time I do it resets the maximum size to 5, until you buy more space. 

Regardless, the game is super fun, visuals / sound effects are entertaining, the game is very addictive! Good job!


Thank you! 

Noted on the bug.  I'll have to put out an update to fix a few things


hey I love your stuff AIA I was just wondering how you started and what your process was to learning about game making because I am trying to do so myself

sorry for the late response... I started with and went through some tutorials to learn how unity works and then started with a really tiny game of pong.  Then with each project, I get a little more ambitious and try/learn new things

the capsule option won't work for me

in research? I just never made upgrades for it :| lol

lol thought the game was broken.

what game is alex from

River city ransom


(2 edits)

i run the game, ITS SO LAGGY THAT MY PC IS RUNNING AT 5 FPS CUZ ITS not A GAMING PC YOU KNOW, but i reloaded and it stopped the game, so can you please upload a same game but its low poly and has unrealistic lighting other stuff like this that my pc is not lagging like crazy again, thank you.

Unable to download :(

You can download a windows build at

love the game....but cant download it.

You can download a windows build at


the game wont load even after restarting the website

weird. try downloading the exe?

oh i forgot to say when i sent it i just clicked it and it worked again for some reason

this reminds me of a video north of the boarder made where he made Mario and luigi clones 




His video was actually the inspiration for the game!

Thats crazy  amazing game btw  i really enjoy it

I finished in 3h 34m despite all the bugs. Is the source available, so I can try to fix them?

when I click research capsule it does nothing

also, the requests are weird

like 211 caterpie and 48 goombas?

and who is alex?

He's from River City Ransom

oh okay


it's random.


can't download it :( i even tried after removing every adblocker i had but still don't wor

Unfortunately, it's an itch issue.   Support recommends using their app.  Here's a download link but it's only active for 7 days.



If i choose a King Bob-omb, a koopa troopa appears instead.

I can't download the game

(3 edits) (+1)

That's a bit weird.  Make sure you don't have anything blocking pop-ups.  If that doesn't work try another browser or viewing the page incognito mode.  If that doesn't work it's probably an issue and hopefully it's resolved soon.

I hope it gets fix as well. I try all of the action that you said and none of it works.


Here's a download link but it's only active for 7 days.

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Well, the links you gave send me to a different link/page. I think the link is past overdue is time?


weird. I just tried it an it worked.  I do have a popup blocker though

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Upon resuming play today - The generator level was saved, the effect on the number of tubes available registered as 30/5 and the money amount glitched out.  The tubes tried to resume but with the funds glitched most of the tubes just stopped functioning.  All were previously upgraded but none resumed when funds were available.  The trigger event for the continued function may not be looking for available funds ( perhaps a global counter to try to trigger?)  Generator tries to show upgradable, but results in the negative sound effect and no upgrade.

Its an interesting modularizing issue.  I'm tempted to pull some form of the mechanic into another system I'm designing.

Hope the feedback is taken in good stead.  Its worth continuing to develop.

Thank you!  This is great feedback.  I'll try to fix some of this stuff in the next patch


This was a great game, the only thing i was having problems with were how tedious it was to reincubate clones when you have bulk, and also i wasn't too sure what the white orb thing next to the price of clones was.

Other than that it was a great little game to have on in the background


Thanks for playing and the feedback.

Ya, I do have a plan to add "groups" to make changing the incubation types of multiple capsules easier.

I think you're the 3rd person to ask about the orb.  It's actually a clock.  It shows the duration of incubation/research

Makes sense. I am very excited to see the updates you will make to the game. Keep up the good work :D


I've played hundreds if not thousands of hours on and I must say this game blew me away. Well done, also I can't believe some of the characters you put in here! The item you have to unlock after all the characters was so worth it. I Can't wait for the windows version to come out.  


couple of glitches where you farm boos and get hundreds per sell

oh interesting.  I'll have to see if I can reproduce it

Pour moi ca sauvegarde pas je doit toujours recommence

what browser are you using? It might be a limitation.  I'm using chrome and it seems to work fine


Good need fullscreen and more capsule 


Thanks :).  The capsule limit is due to a webGL memory limit.  The desktop version will allow you to have up to 250 capsules and be fullscreen.

Not sure when it started but also lost all control of camera and movement.  May have coincided with the loss of placing new items.


This is due to a webGL memory limit.  I just put out an update that attempts to address this.  

No worries, just giving feedback.  Its a good mechanic.  Might consider some quality of life upgrades if bulk purchasing or the ability to set sliders to have the incubation controlled less than manually.

Great feedback.  Yeah, I think RN there's a lot to do at the beginning of the game, but once you have all the capsuled upgraded it's mainly just a waiting game.  I plan on adding more upgrades and another item that will give players something to do.

I did have the idea to allow users to create capsule groups.  Changing the incubation clone on one of the capsules in a group would change all of them.

The update also introduced orders which I think makes the game a whole lot more fun.


After a while I couldn't build anything anymore. I could sell stuff, move stuff, but buying new machines didn't work.

Currently working on an update to address this.  It's due to a webGL memory limit.

I think I saw a double pay: When I clicked by accident on a tube at the right moment it generated my click coins and the auto coins...did not manage that a second time tho...seems to be a very small frame window.

Thanks for letting me know.  I'll look into it.

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Fun, but at some moment I lost build ability (last left-click to build just not work, other left-clicks work good)

Currently, this is a webGL memory limitation.  I plan on building some gameplay stuff to stop this from happening.

Thanks for trying it out

Fun little game, good graphics.

The only bug i encounter is inverted camera rotation. Otherwise, it's really fun to play. Keep up the good work AIA! :D


Maybe I'll add an option to switch that :)

Thanks for trying it out